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  • The Ballad Of The DM Guy: A Cautionary Tale (But Mostly Just Funny)


    The Ballad Of The DM Guy: A Cautionary Tale (But Mostly Just Funny)

    Ah, the DM guy. We’ve all encountered him at some point in our social media adventures. He’s the king of unsolicited comments sliding into DMs with questionable pickup lines. 

    While a bit cringe-worthy, the DM guy often provides endless entertainment (and maybe a touch of secondhand embarrassment). So, let’s dissect this fascinating, and for women over 40, sometimes perplexing, creature of the online world.

    The Many Faces Of The DM Guy:

    While the core characteristics remain the same, the DM guy can manifest in various forms. 

    • There’s the “Casanova wannabe” who bombards you with generic compliments and tired pickup lines. 
    • Then there’s the “Mysterious Stranger,” who sends cryptic messages with an air of intrigue (that usually fizzles out quickly). 
    • We can’t forget the “Thirsty Boi,” whose sole purpose seems to be thirst-trapping and overly flirtatious comments.

    The Natural Habitat Of The DM Guy

    The DM guy thrives on any platform with direct messaging capabilities. Instagram comments become thirst traps, but the worst is the Facebook greetings morph into awkward come-ons. 

    The Distinguishing Features Of The DM Guy

    • The I’m Innocent: That random DM that starts with a cheery “Good morning!” followed by an “I just wanted to say hi”? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Enter the “I’m Innocent” DM Guy, a character we can all recognize. Is he harmless, or just a little…off-putting? 
    • Pickup Line: Often outdated, sometimes nonsensical, delivered with the confidence of a knight in shining armor (delusional knight, that is). Think, “Hey, beautiful ;).” or the ever-charming “Send me a sexy pic.” Let’s be clear, ladies, requesting unsolicited photos is a giant red flag. Run, don’t walk.
    • Persistence: A single unanswered message is just a challenge to the DM guy. He’ll be back, like that catchy song stuck in your head on repeat, with a fresh batch of “Hey, there’s. Guess not.” 
    • Shirtless Selfie: Because what screams “relationship material” more than a strategically angled bathroom mirror pic?
    • The “You Are So Special” Guy: Ah, yes. In reality, you’re one of 30 women who received the same generic message hoping to snag “The Distinguishing Features Of The DM Guy.” Newsflash: you’re not special; he’s just casting a wide net.


    The Evolution Of The DM Slide

    The DM slide has evolved from a simple message to an elaborate (often unwanted) performance. Some DM guys might craft elaborate introductions, attempting to build a connection through fabricated shared interests. Others might resort to sending unsolicited memes or funny (but usually not) attempts at humor. The worst offenders might even bombard you with multiple messages, escalating the awkwardness with each unanswered attempt.

    The Psychology Behind The DM Slide

    While the motivations of the DM guy can be puzzling, there are some potential explanations. Maybe they lack confidence in approaching someone in real life, seeking the anonymity of the online world as a shield. Perhaps they genuinely misinterpret online interactions, mistaking friendliness for romantic interest. 

    In some cases, it could be pure boredom, a desperate attempt to inject some excitement into their online experience.

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Dealing with a DM Guy

    • Don’t Engage in a lengthy conversation. It fuels the fire.
    • Do: A polite but firm “thanks, but no thanks” does the trick.
    • Don’t: Respond with cruelty. Remember, a little cringe is all it is.
    • Do: Feel free to screenshot and share with your friends for a good laugh (just be mindful of privacy settings).

    In Conclusion

    Ultimately, the DM guy is a social media oddity. He can be a source of amusement (who can resist a truly terrible pickup line?), a reminder of outdated flirting tactics, or, in some cases, a complete turn-off. While some DM guys might be genuinely shy, the anonymity of the internet can encourage a keyboard warrior to say things they never would in person.

    The key? Most DM guys won’t engage further if you ignore them. However, for the persistent ones or those who cross a line, embrace the humor in the harmless encounters (because sometimes laughter is the best medicine), but don’t be afraid to establish clear boundaries. The proper connection, online or off, will come along when you least expect it, and it certainly won’t involve a creepy DM.**
