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  • 8 Tips Every Women Needs To Know About Hemorrhoids

    8 Tips Every Women Needs To Know About Hemorrhoids By Beauty After Forty

    Getting older has its benefits. I love being in my forties. But DOGGONE, let’s be honest it also has some negatives, like the loss of collagen, wrinkles, menopause, and even hemorrhoids all which can be a pain in the butt! No pun intended.

    While you see tons of people talking about anti-aging, not many are open to talking about menopause and hemorrhoids. BUTT, not any longer as I am here to share with you my “8 Tips Every Women Needs To Know About Hemorrhoids.” As well as some treatments for hemorrhoids and why women going through menopause, have a higher risk of experiencing painful hemorrhoids.

    For this post I partnered up with HemoTreat. I also consultated someone in the medical field, but as always my posts are for entertainment purposes only. For any medical advice, please consult a physican.

    Menopause And Hemorrhoids
    As if hot flashes and cold sweats were not enough, bleeding hemorrhoids can be known to be one of the nasty symptoms of Menopause, wtf? Yep, you read right, not only can women experience irregular menstrual bleeding, but you may also have anal bleeding too.

    Hemorrhoids, also known as vascular cushions or piles, are prevalent in adults aged 45-65. I, however, was surprised to find out that everyone has hemorrhoids! What the heck? Yes, these little bad boys are part of our normal anatomy and are composed of blood vessels, muscle, and connective tissue located in the anal canal. The issue lies when they become inflamed.

    menopause and hemorrhoids and how to treat them by beauty after forty

    What Causes Hemorrhoids
    According to memopauserx.com, approximately 1/2 of all women will experience hemorrhoid flare-ups by the age of 50, which is around the average age of menopausal onset.

    A woman’s possibility of having bleeding hemorrhoids during Menopause can be amplified from occurrences over their lifetime that may have placed pressure on the anus, like prior childbirth, prolonged sitting, and weight gain.

    Aging is another risk factor. As we get older the muscle tone in our rectum weakens, we also tend to drink less fluids and exercise less, which can cause more constipation and the straining when going to the bathroom.

    The Different Types Of Hemorrhoids
    Now before I get into some hemorriod treatments, I wanted to touch base briefly on the two types of hemorrhoids. As I mentioned I am not a medical professional, so I did get with my sister, who is a nurse to explain to me the two different types.

    The first type is the most painful, which are external hemorrhoids, they located outside of the body, usually found under the skin of the anus. They are more painful as the skin in this area can become cracked and itchy. In some cases, a blood clot can form inside the hemorrhoid. Ouch! Yes, I know that sounds scary! But according to my sister, most of the time the blood clot will dissolve and when it subsides and dissolves this is where some may see some hanging skin in that area, which that too can become itchy.

    Treatment For Hemorrhoids by Beauty After forty

    Treatment For Hemorrhoids
    For this portion, I partnered up with HemoTreat. HemoTreat was designed to do more than treat the discomfort of the itching and the irritation of hemorrhoids. It also helps to target the underlying causes of systems, the blood vessels themselves. By focusing on the tiny blood vessels to reduce their swelling, you are decreasing the hemorrhoid and preventing it from re-occurring.

    The HemoTreat formula contains plenty of powerful ingredients, like camphor, calcium carbonate, eucalyptus oil, and lanolin. All in which help to provide lasting relief of these issues:

    • Inflammation: Calcium carbonate is an astringent that reduces swollen blood vessels allowing shrunken tissues to heal.
    • Pain and itching: Camphor is an analgesic and anesthetic that relieves pain and an antiseptic that reduces itching and prevents infection.
    • Burning: Eucalyptus oil is a cooling anti-inflammatory that reduces inflammation and creates a refreshing sensation.

    HemoTreat offer three types of treatment

    • 1.7 oz. jar cream
    • 1 oz tube with internal applicator
    • 12 pack suppositories

    Over The Counter Hemorrhoid Treatment by Beauty After Forty

    How To Use A Hemorrhoid Ointment
    The HemoTreat Hemorrhoid ointment should be applied twice a day for five consecutive days. At first, you will experience a cooling sensation, and then hopefully, some relief. Over time the swelling should reduce, and the pain will start to subside. From what I read, users have reported very few side effects, which is a plus!

    Over The Counter Hemorrhoid Treatment
    No worries, this is a product you can purchase from the privacy of your own home and at a discount, as they are offering my readers 50% Off on Hemotreat 1 OZ Hemorrhoid Treatment Cream. Simply use code: BEAUTYAFTERFORTY at checkout.

    A diet to help with hemorroids by beauty after forty

    Ways To Prevent Hemorrhoids And Reduce Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids
    Last but not least aside from treatments, we can also make some lifestyle changes to help alleviate problems that can lead to hemorrhoid flare-ups. See some of them below.

    • Drink at least 8 glasses of liquid a day.
    • Don’t read in the bathroom.
    • Avoid standing or sitting for extended periods.
    • When you feel the urge to go… go.
    • Add fiber to your diet: Since constipation is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids, it would be great to include some more fiber in your diet by eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Limit drinks that can be dehydrating like alcohol and coffee.